Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blogs I'm Following

I've been out of the loop for more than a week and when I logged-in to my blogger dashboard awhile ago, I was shocked to see that all the blogs I'm following were deleted from my list.  I don't know how this happened.  So, for all the bloggers that I follow, if you see that my name is no longer in your follower's list, please let me know and I will re-follow.  I did not intentionally unfollow.  Maybe there is something wrong with the system.

I will do my best to post something soon.  Sorry for being absent these last few days due to the reason I've mentioned in my previous post.

For the meantime, I want to share a photo of a shirt that I bought several years ago, maybe more than ten years ago.  I bought this because of the design and color.  I never noticed what was written until recently when I was folding it.
Last but not the least, thank you very much for all your prayers and kindest words of sympathy during these hard times in our life, specially to Kim, Home Is Where My Heart Is, Minibinoy and Stitchstitchknit, as well as to Kirstin and Irene from the cross stitch forum of

Take care everyone!


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Good to hear from you Toni.
That couldn't be a better shirt for a stitcher :)
Take care.

Kim said...

How amazing is that? You were made for each other! ;) LOL

I had a problem with my dashboard like that, but the next time I came on it was all back to normal, so maybe it's just gremlins!!

Take lots of care sis and know I think of you all constantly.
Massive hugs and love

Virpi said...

Quite interesting co-incidence that message in your shirt =D. The shirt has nicely kept it's colour and it looks like brandnew.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Thanks you for the information Toni.I would never have seen Ice Cold over here!!! :)
I got the courage to do hardanger when I bought Mary Hickmott's first booklet,she explains it so well.I have no.2 now which I think will be more of a challenge. You teach me crochet (I'm self taught but I seem to have totally lost the knack with crochet) and I'll teach you hardanger:)
Take care x